Unlimited Access to
the World Wide Web

There are many benefits to having fibre coverage in your area

Fibre coverage in your area can hold many benefits – for your home, business, and even your family. Often referred to as end-game technology, fibre internet lets you access a world of possibilities. A fibre optic cable can move data at high speeds and over long distances, with limited signal loss, so you will have unlimited access to the world wide web, 24/7.

Some known benefits of fibre coverage include:


Increases property value

When home- or business owners consider buying property, a few things are considered. An active fibre connection is one of the things that will render your property more valuable and attractive to interested parties. Buyers and renters are willing to pay 5 – 8% above market value to buy for properties with existing high-speed fibre connections. Although this is an international benchmark, the same trend is visible in well-known fibre suburbs like Parkhurst, which was the first suburb to receive fibre in South Africa.

As fibre becomes more accessible, properties with an active Fibre To the Home (FTTH) connection will increasingly be the first to be rented or sold.

Open Access

Fibre networks are owned by a single company that partners with multiple ISP’s that sell fibre connections to their clients. For an active fibre connection, all you require is a single fibre cable to deliver monthly services via your ISP of choice. As there is only a single network device in your home that belongs to the network owner and not the ISP, the ISP’s don’t need to replace devices when you switch to a different service provider.
This is beneficial because once a home or office is fibre-ready, the ISP only needs to activate the connection. No new cables or network hardware is required.

Future Proof

Traditional copper internet has capacity, speed and distance limitations. In comparison to copper, or any other technology, fibre’s capabilities are nearly unlimited. We say fibre is a future-proof technology, since a fibre network, once installed, does not require a future change. A fibre service is upgraded by changing the technologies that create the light pulses, not by replacing the cables. This is why we call it a next generation digital utility.


A greener option

Fibre internet installations are more reliable and environmentally friendly than alternative installations, which makes it a win-win option as it provides advanced technology and internet at the speed of light, while potentially helping our environment.
  • Fibre requires less maintenance, thereby avoiding on-cable adjustments and minimising the inconvenience caused by digging up existing cables.
  • Fibre conserves energy. Coaxial cables use 3.5 watts to transmit data over 100m, while fibre cables use only 1 watt to transmit data over the same distance. Less energy means less CO2 emissions, resulting in a more sustainable environment.
  • Copper mining and its effects on the environment have come under increasing scrutiny from environmentalists. Fibre cables do not contain any copper, which means that switching to fibre optic will not only benefit you as internet user but can also aid in reducing copper mining.

A more reliable network

Fibre optic cables do not generate electricity like copper cables. They generate light pulses that move high volumes of data over any distance, which means that they do not operate via electrical signals, making it difficult to tamper with unless the cables are physically cut.
Fibre internet won’t lose signal, and your signal won’t weaken over a lengthier distance, so one can expect uninterrupted internet access of a premium quality with fibre at your home or office. Yes, this does mean that your connection is not going to fail while you’re watching your favourite Netflix series.

Creation, education and the entrepreneur

With a reliable internet connection at home, educational websites are more accessible, allowing you to better educate yourself in the comfort of your own home. Education websites like Udemy, EdX, and some YouTube channels will enable you to educate yourself and your children whenever you feel like it. Sites like the Bible Project are great for personal and family enrichment.

Fibre also creates more opportunities for those wanting to work from home. With a reliable fibre connection, you can access websites like Elance, Fiverr, Simplyhired, and many more, to find a fulfilling job online.



If you are interested in having fibre installed in your community, go to Register to notify us. Here, you will see our current coverage map, indicating all the areas where we are the appointed fibre providers. When you are registered, you will receive regular updates on progress in your area.

If you have any enquiries, feel free to contact us either via phone or email.

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